Presented by the Practicing while Black podcast

You went to law school to do more than shuffle papers.

You went to law school to make an impact.

You know that is time to level up.

Join us every Sunday in April for the FREE Legal Influencer Virtual Workshop Series.

This series is designed to guide you to:

  • Discover What Unique Gifts You Bring to the Legal Profession

  • Discover Who You Can Impact with Your Gifts

  • How to Let Others Know that You Have this Gift to Serve

  • How to Begin to Build Your Own Platform to Make an Impact

The Schedule*:

Week 1 (April 7th): Discover Your Zone of Influence

Week 2 (April 14th): Find Your Tribe

Week 3 (April 21st): Stand Out for Success

Week 4 (April 28th): Get Further Faster through Collaboration & Connection

*All sessions are scheduled to be 7 pm Eastern Time.